Individuals from all around the globe know Dubai for its elevated structures, extravagant mode of living, and attention-grabbing history. When you go on a tour to this metropolitan, you get to see and learn about all these things. In this article, we will talk about what is included in Dubai City Tour, like old places and yummy food. We have been doing tours for more than 13 years, and people like us.

Historical Background

To really know this metropolitan, you need to learn about its past. When you go on a City Tour, you can go back in time by visiting the Al Fahidi Historical Neighborhood. There, you can see the Dubai Museum, which is inside the Al Fahidi Fort.


Burj Khalifa: You can go up to the top and see the whole city from above.

Palm Jumeirah: This is an island shaped like a palm tree.

Dubai Mall: It’s a huge shopping mall with many shops, restaurants, and even an indoor ice rink.

Desert Safari: You can go on a desert adventure, ride camels, and experience the stunning sand dunes.

Dubai Creek: This is a historic area where you can take a boat ride and see the old and new parts of the city.

Gold and Spice Souks: These are traditional markets where you can buy gold, spices, and other souvenirs.

Dubai Marina: It’s a modern area with impressive skyscrapers, restaurants, and a beautiful promenade.

Dubai Fountain: Watch a stunning water fountain show near the Burj Khalifa, with music and lights.

Dubai Museum: Learn about the city’s history in this museum located in a historic fort.

Jumeirah Mosque: Visit this beautiful mosque to learn about Islamic culture and architecture.

Famous Places to See

Dubai is known for its amazing buildings, and you shouldn’t miss them when you visit.

Learning about the Culture

To understand Dubai’s culture better, you can visit museums and art galleries. You can also check out traditional markets, called souks, where you can buy real local souvenirs and see how people in this metropolitan area do things.

Fun and Excitement

If you want to have some excitement, the City Tour has fun things to do.

Tasty Food

The city has lots of different kinds of food, and it’s a treat for people who love to eat. You can try local dishes like Shawarma, Falafel, and Al Harees, or go to fancy restaurants. There’s something yummy for everyone in the metropolitan area.

Fun Nights

This city is really exciting at night, and the tour lets you see it. You can visit bars on top of buildings, dance at nightclubs, and enjoy the beachfront places where you can have a good time after dark.

Shopping Galore

This metropolitan area is a great place for shopping. You can find fancy brands in fancy malls or visit traditional markets.

Planning a Tour

To have a great time on your City Tour, you should plan it well. Think about how long you want to stay and when you want to go and pick a tour package that fits what you like and what you can afford.

Advice for a Fun Tour

To make sure your trip is awesome, remember these tips: wear modest clothes, be respectful of how the local people do things, drink enough water, and book your tours ahead of time so you don’t miss out.


A City Tour is a special adventure that helps you see both the modern and old sides of Dubai. This metropolitan area has something for everyone, so it’s great for a fantastic vacation. You can plan your trip with Aan Tourism for a wonderful experience because we work hard to give you the best service. Our team has more than 50 enthusiastic people, and we’ve made over 10,000 customers happy with our services.


How long does a regular city tour take?

A tour can be different, but most of them last from 4 to 8 hours, depending on what you choose.

Is it safe to visit Dubai as a tourist?

Yes, this city is one of the safest places for tourists, and they have strong security measures.

What should I wear on a tour?

You should wear clothes that cover your shoulders and knees and are respectful and modest, especially in public places.

Are there food options for people who don’t eat meat?

Yes, there are many places where you can find food for vegetarians and vegans. Lots of restaurants have options for people with different diets.

When is the best time to visit for a tour?

The best time to visit this metropolitan area is during the cooler months, from November to April, so you don’t have to deal with the very hot summer weather.

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