If you want to make special memories for your kids and give them a fun and learning adventure, you should visit Kidzania Abu Dhabi. In this blog, we will talk about the things you can do there, which make it a great place for families to visit. Let’s discover this amazing city made just for kids together with Kidzania Abu Dhabi offers. We have lots of experience in the tourism industry, and people think highly of us for over 13 



Fun Jobs: Kids can try out many cool jobs like being a pilot, doctor, or firefighter.

Learning: While having fun, kids also learn useful skills like teamwork and decision-making.

Safe Place: Parents can relax because Kidzania is a safe and supervised place.

Inclusive: Kids with special needs can enjoy Kidzania too, as it’s wheelchair-accessible.

Deals: Sometimes, you can find discounts and special offers for families.

The Wonderful World of Kidzania

It is like a real city but made just for kids. It has everything you’d find in a big city, like an airport, hospital, theater, and even a radio station. Kids can try out more than 60 different jobs there.

Exciting Places to Visit

Aviation Academy

If kids dream of being pilots, they can make that dream come true at Kidzania’s Aviation Academy. They can use a flight simulator and get lessons from experts to learn about flying.

Fire and Police Department

Kids can feel like real firefighters or police officers here. They work together, solve problems, and act fast when there are emergencies.


At the hospital, kids can pretend to be doctors, nurses, or surgeons. They can “operate” on mannequins, learn about first aid, and see why healthcare is important.


Kids who want to be actors or performers can shine on the stage at the Kidzania Theater. They can be creative and act in their own shows, which helps them become more confident and better at talking to others.

Radio Station

Kidzania’s radio station lets kids be radio hosts, DJs, or sound experts. They can make their own radio shows and discover how the media and communication work.

Learning While Having Fun

It is excellent because it mixes learning and fun together perfectly. Kids don’t just have a great time trying different jobs; they also learn important skills like working in a team, making choices, and understanding money.

Fun Jobs: Kids can try out different jobs like being a pilot, doctor, or actor. This helps them learn about various careers and interests.

Life Skills: While playing, kids also pick up important skills like teamwork (working together with others), making choices, and understanding money.

Confidence: Doing things on their own at Kidzania makes kids more self-assured and better at talking to others.

Safety and Care

Parents can feel calm knowing that their kids are in a safe and watched-over place. Trained staff are always there to make sure the kids are okay.

Trained Staff: Kidzania has trained people who watch over the kids. These staff members are there to make sure kids are safe and having a good time.

Controlled Environment: The place is designed to be safe, so parents don’t have to worry. Kids can explore and play without any big risks.

Fun and Safety: Even though kids have lots of fun, Kidzania always makes sure that safety comes first.


Kidzania Abu Dhabi is a unique spot where kids and families can enjoy themselves. It’s a place where kids can have a blast, explore new stuff, and pick up valuable skills. So, don’t hesitate! Visit Kidzania Abu Dhabi and let your kids have an amazing time. You can arrange your visit with Aan Tourism for a fantastic experience because we have a large team of over 50 excited individuals who work tirelessly to provide you with the finest service. We’ve already brought smiles to more than 10,000 happy customers with our services.


Who can go to Kidzania?

It is made for kids between 4 and 16 years old.

Can parents join in the activities?

Parents can’t join the games, but they can watch and cheer for their kids.

Is Kidzania okay for people who use wheelchairs?

Yes, it is set up so that kids with special needs who use wheelchairs can enjoy it too.

Can we get any discounts or special deals for families?

Kidzania often has special offers and family packages. You can find out about them on their website or ask at the place itself.

How long should we plan to stay?

A regular visit can take about 3 to 5 hours. It depends on how many things your child wants to do there.

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